The scene at my wife's sisters house after the fire. The kitties await their owner, why does she not come?
The scene at my wife’s sisters house after the fire. The kitties await their owner, why does she not come?

I don’t understand. Suddenly the house roared bright orange. Oh it smelled terrible. It singed my fur and that hurt so much I cried. It was really hard to breathe. I coughed and coughed. I ran and hid in the bushes. Then the loud men came and made all kinds of racket for hours and hours. When they left I tried to come back, but it was so hot and smelled so bad. I hid. I hid for a while. Finally, I came back to the porch where we lived and I waited. I waited and waited. Still I wait but no one comes. I keep waiting, why doesn’t she come?

This was the scene in June of 2015 when we arrived at my wife’s sisters house. She was killed in the house fire. Overall we rescued 10 cats that we rehomed and 3 kittens which we bottle fed and found homes for. Their stories are on this blog also. We kept one cat, we called her older kitty. We had to change her name later… you will see why if you read her story.

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