Well, I watched the power of the dog last night. Worst movie in about 25 years. Worst soundtrack. Natch that, grating, awful, painful soundtrack. Overall, boring, incoherent, and just bad…. did I say boring?

Oh, I understand what they wanted the movie to be, they just failed… miserably…. and it made me miserable….

At 12 minuets in I just wanted to fast forward to see if it ended how I already assumed it was going to. It did.

It’s nominated for an Oscar because, well we see what you were trying to do and we read between the lines and we added a lot to the film in our imaginations and here’s your trophy, thanks for participating!

I wasted too much time watching this movie. Worst movie ever made. Worst movie I have seen in over 25 years. Worst soundtrack ever. I don’t know how I can say it any more forcefully.

There were a lot of holes in the story. Here is my take for anyone that does not want to waste time on this movie.

Sad Power of Dog in a Nutshell so you Don’t Waste your Time!

Sad cowboy is really mean to people that work in restaurants and never bathes. However, he has really neat chaps that would be a hit in the Castro district in San Franscisco! He had a relationship with a dead cowboy who “taught him everything” but now only has dead cowboy’s collection of men’s “art” magazines to keep him company in his hidden lair.

At one point, he is with a group of hunky cowboys and they incircle him and ask what he sees when he looks at the mountain. He explains how his dead cowboy friend saw animals when he looked at the mountain! This is a setup for a later scene.

Meanwhile he is really mean to brother’s wife’s weirdo kid who has come “back from college”.

Later on after a lot of boring scenes that are unnecessary, the brother’s wife’s kid tells mean gay cowboy that he sees a barking dog in a mountain scene. When did you see it, our intrepid gay friend asks? Well, when I first looked at it the weirdo states. Wow, my dead gay cowboy friend that I used to spoon naked with on long camping trips saw that barking dog in the mountain! No one else ever sees it! You must be gay as only gay cowboys that spoon naked under the stars can see that barking dog in the mountain!

He then begins making a rope for our intrepid young whipper-snapper because, well that is what gay cowboys do for their courtin rituals. He then sorta, kinda looks at one point like he might wanna kiss the boy but alas, leaves that desire unfulfilled. An awkward scene that is really awful. Did they have a relationship? Unclear. But he made him a rope!

Later after a lot more boring and useless waste of film, the brother’s wife gives away some cowhides to an Indian. Oh the humanity lonely gay cowboy exclaims, I was gonna burn them thar hides!!! Don’t worry says weirdo kid, I cut some strips from the hides and put some anthrax on them for ya. I’ll make ye a rope extension from them thar anthrax hides the gay cowboy exclaims and commences to extend a rope.

Gay, lonely, pathetic cowboy dies alone of anthrax with his love unrequited. Kid hides his extended rope under a bed. The End.

I think the brother’s wife’s kid grows up to be a notorious serial killer. oops, that part was left on the cutting room floor.

Meaningful message of the movie:

What they were trying to say: “Iffin your a gay cowboy with a hidden stash of art magazines, beware of pale skinny boys that want your rope.”

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